See the price list of our Apartments, Bungalows, Rooms and Pitches.
Using the search filter below you can view the prices for the dates of your stay.

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Prices for Apartments

From To Duration 4
20-04-2024 27-04-2024 1 Week 345,00 420,00
20-04-2024 27-04-2024 Weekend 165,00 190,00
27-04-2024 25-05-2024 3 Weeks 1080.00 1310.00
27-04-2024 25-05-2024 2 Weeks 730.00 880.00
27-04-2024 25-05-2024 1 Week 375,00 450,00
27-04-2024 25-05-2024 Weekend 190.00 230.00
27-04-2024 25-05-2024 4 Weeks 1295.00 1510.00
25-05-2024 22-06-2024 2 Weeks 790.00 945.00
25-05-2024 22-06-2024 1 Week 410.00 .480.00
25-05-2024 22-06-2024 4 Weeks 1440.00 1710.00
25-05-2024 22-06-2024 Weekend 215.00 250.00
25-05-2024 22-06-2024 3 Weeks 1125.00 1395.00
22-06-2024 13-07-2024 Weekend 250.00 275.00
22-06-2024 13-07-2024 1 Week 560.00 650.00
22-06-2024 13-07-2024 3 Weeks 1610.00 1875.00
22-06-2024 13-07-2024 2 Weeks 1095.00 1270.00
13-07-2024 27-07-2024 2 Weeks 1390.00 1565.00
13-07-2024 27-07-2024 1 Week 750.00 840.00
27-07-2024 10-08-2024 1 Week 810.00 890.00
27-07-2024 10-08-2024 2 Weeks 1565.00 1740.00
10-08-2024 17-08-2024 1 Week 860.00 935.00
17-08-2024 24-08-2024 1 Week 750.00 840.00
17-08-2024 24-08-2024 Weekend 270.00 295.00
24-08-2024 31-08-2024 Weekend 215.00 250.00
24-08-2024 31-08-2024 1 Week 550.00 635.00
31-08-2024 07-09-2024 1 Week 410.00 480.00
07-09-2024 15-09-2024 1 Week 375.00 450.00
07-09-2024 15-09-2024 Weekend 190,00 230,00

By "weekend" we mean Friday and Saturday with exit on Sunday before 10:00 am.

The prices of the apartments include: weekly change of bed linen (sheets, pillows), water and electricity utilities.

The entry into the apartment is expected from 3.30 pm on the day of arrival while the exit must take place by 10.00 am on the day of departure.

Stays of one/two/three weeks or one month are considered from Saturday to Saturday.

Prices for stays of one week, fortnight and one month do not include final cleaning, to be added as follows:

  • week € 35.00
  • fifteen days € 40.00
  • month € 50.00

Upon check-in, the balance of the stay and a security deposit of € 150.00 are required, which will be returned upon check-out after verification of the conditions of the accommodation by the management.

Prices for Bungalows

From To Duration 6 People
20-04-2024 27-04-2024 1 Week 400,00
20-04-2024 27-04-2024 Weekend 180,00
27-04-2024 25-05-2024 Weekend 205.00
27-04-2024 25-05-2024 1 Week 420,00
27-04-2024 25-05-2024 2 Weeks 835.00
27-04-2024 25-05-2024 3 Weeks 1245.00
27-04-2024 25-05-2024 4 Weeks 1400.00
25-05-2024 22-06-2024 1 Week 465.00
25-05-2024 22-06-2024 2 Weeks 915.00
25-05-2024 22-06-2024 3 Weeks 1360.00
25-05-2024 22-06-2024 4 Weeks 1620.00
25-05-2024 22-06-2024 Weekend 230.00
22-06-2024 13-07-2024 Weekend 265.00
22-06-2024 13-07-2024 1 Week 630.00
22-06-2024 13-07-2024 2 Weeks 1215.00
22-06-2024 13-07-2024 3 Weeks 1800.00
13-07-2024 27-07-2024 1 Week 780.00
13-07-2024 27-07-2024 2 Weeks 1500.00
27-07-2024 10-08-2024 1 Week 840.00
27-07-2024 10-08-2024 2 Weeks 1665.00
10-08-2024 17-08-2024 1 Week 880.00
17-08-2024 24-08-2024 Weekend 275,00
17-08-2024 24-08-2024 1 Week 780.00
24-08-2024 31-08-2024 1 Week 620.00
24-08-2024 31-08-2024 Weekend 240.00
31-08-2024 07-09-2024 1 Week 475.00
07-09-2024 15-09-2024 Weekend 205.00
07-09-2024 15-09-2024 1 Week 420.00

By "weekend" we mean Friday and Saturday with exit on Sunday before 10.00am.

The prices of the bungalows include: weekly change of bed linen (sheets, pillows), water, electricity and gas.

Entry into the bungalow is expected from 3.30 pm on the day of arrival while exit must take place by 10.00 am on the day of departure.

Stays of one/two/three weeks or one month are considered from Saturday to Saturday.

Prices for stays of one week, fortnight and one month do not include final cleaning, to be added as follows:

  • week € 35.00
  • fifteen days € 40.00
  • month € 50.00

Upon check-in, the balance of the stay and a security deposit of € 150.00 are required, which will be returned upon check-out after verification of the conditions of the accommodation by the management.

Prices for Double Room

From To Duration Double Room
01-04-2024 30-04-2024 Night 68,00
01-05-2024 31-05-2024 Night 74,00
01-06-2024 30-06-2024 Night 79,00
01-07-2024 15-07-2024 Night 84,00
16-07-2024 27-07-2024 Night 89,00
28-07-2024 03-08-2024 Night 94,50
04-08-2024 17-08-2024 Night 100,00
18-08-2024 31-08-2024 Night 89,00
01-09-2024 15-09-2024 Night 68,00

Price per room per night, final cleaning costs are not included.

Final cleaning costs:

  • 1 night: euro 10,00
  • 1 week: 15,00
  • More than 1 week: euro 25.00

Daily Prices for Pitches

From To Big Tent
Adults Children Daily Guests
Over 3h stay
Small tent 2nd
20-04-2024 31-05-2024 12,00 5,00 4,00 5,00 10,00 6,00
01-06-2024 05-07-2024 18,00 6,00 5,00 6,00 12,00 7,00
06-07-2024 23-08-2024 22,00 8,00 6,00 8,00 14,00 9,00
24-08-2024 06-09-2024 18,00 6,00 5,00 6,00 12,00 7,00
07-09-2024 15-09-2024 12,00 5,00 4,00 5,00 10,00 6,00

Prices per day (minimum taxable: Pitch + 2 adults).

Rates include VAT and taxes, while excluding extra comforts. Electricity connection is included for each pitch and only 1 car is allowed, included in the price.

Daily Visitors: Stay over 3 hours

From 01 June the tourist tax of € 1,00 per person per day will be applied.

Company Information
Bedini Giovanni srl

Via Silcia snc
54100 Marina di Massa (MS) Tuscany
VAT Number / Tax Code: 01392580450
NR.REA: MS-137448
Fully paid-up share capital: € 50.000 i.v



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